Supported Independent Living
A Place to Call Home
What is Supported Independent Living (SIL)?
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Supported Independent Living FAQ
Challenge offer a range of support around Independent Living. This can range from living in a ratio funded supported home (such as a 1:3) where we are fully staffed over a 24/7 period to assisting you in your own home with drop in support tailored to your needs. We can often assist you with the inquiry on how you would like to live and the type of housing you wish to live in.
Our homes are all new in well sort areas. Challenge fully furnished in all common areas and maintain the basics of the home. We offer a range of properties to cater to different client needs. Some of our properties are purpose built for accessibility and providing high levels of physical support, while some of our properties are standard modern residential homes in quiet neighbourhoods. No matter what kind of property it is, we try to make all our Challenge houses feel like a home.
Challenge do have some homes that are SDA approved. If you are after a specific type of housing we can always discuss the needs through inquiry and assist you with what we can help with. Challenge has many existing SDA homes that can accommodate residents with different levels of SDA funding. Challenge also has the option to work with our clients to build brand new, state-of-the-art SDA properties designed around a client’s specific needs. Find out more about SDA here.
Challenge have a thorough matching process. Discussion around who you would like to live with can happen quite early in the inquiry process so we know exactly what you would like when looking for a housemate. Challenge provides a comprehensive matching process to help you find suitable housemates, or to match you to a suitable home. We also understand that sometimes things change or don’t work out, and we can support you to address issues or find another option
All of Challenge participants are included in all aspects of house hold decisions this includes documented house meetings and of the day to day activities, duties and tasks. Staff are there to support you to live independently in your home. We encourage all of our residents to take an active role in household decisions – this includes day to day things like meals, outings, shopping as well as house rules and routines and working with staff.
SIL funding covers the cost of your support from staff. SIL funding does not cover day to day costs such as rent, food and household costs nor does it cover transport. Other things that aren’t included in SIL are things like holidays, outings, special equipment or personal purchases like toiletries, etc.