We provide a home away from home for people receiving disability and mental health support. We offer flexible and tailored accommodation choices to your individual needs.
Our short-term accommodation (respite) supports people with disability to live independently, while taking a break from family or those that care for them. Breaks can be overnight, for a weekend or for a few weeks.
Our staff ensure guests are safe, supported and their goals are met. Daily activities are planned to keep our guests stimulated and entertained. These may include walks to the park, attending local events, eating out and gardening.
Challenge is also fully VOOHC registered.
We recognise that you are unique and may have specific needs. Your stay will be planned based on your individual needs and goals. During a stay, you will have the opportunity to meet new people, discover new activities and develop your hobbies.
To ensure that our staff understand your needs, prior to the stay you will be invited to visit our respite home to ensure the fit is right.
Short Term Accommodation, including respite, is funding for support and accommodation for a short time away from your usual home. It covers the cost of your care in another place for up to 14 days at a time. You might have a short stay with other people, or by yourself. It’s often funded when your usual carers aren’t available, or for you to try new things. Find out more from NDIS.
ABN: 17 059 209 675
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